Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Methods to avoid using plastic

1. Bring a reusable (preferably cloth) bag to the grocery store

This is so easy,you already do it, or at least try to. I see lots of people ,carrying plastic bags  for  which you have  to pay something like 5 Rs. a bag if you didn't bring your own.Let me tell you, EVERYBODY should bring their own bags of cloth or of paper.

2. Bring a reusable bag to fill with bulk goods, fruits and vegetables

As you've probably noticed, nearly everything you buy in the grocery store also comes wrapped in plastic. Whether it's putting your fruits and vegetables in plastic bags, buying your rice or pasta in a plastic bag or (get this) the plastic lining on cans, the stuff is everywhere. One way to partially avoid this is to, once again, bring your own bag. Now I so far haven't quite managed this, so I am presently reusing plastic bags, but one day soon I am going to make some small cloth bags to bring to the store across the road, which sells grains, flours, granola, nuts, and much more, in bulk. You generally don't actually need to use a plastic bag for fruits and vegetables, at least not if you are buying a small amount like I usually am, but if you do I'm sure cloth bags could be fashioned to fulfill that purpose as well.

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